General Meeting Minutes

Each member local students’ union has an equal say in setting the policies, directions, and priorities of the BC Federation of Students which includes the direction of campaigns, the setting of the organisation’s budget and which services are offered to members. All major decisions are made at twice-yearly provincial general meetings at which member students’ unions from across the province are present to represent the views and perspectives of our individual members.

Here are the most recent general meeting minutes. If you require a copy of previous meeting minutes or audited financial statements please email us your request. Minutes are uploaded after they are approved by the membership:

Financial Audits

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

The Executive Committee is tasked with taking directives from the general meetings and implementing them throughout the year. The Executive Committee also assigns work and tasks to the at-large directors and staff of the organisation. The Executive Committee meets six times a year.

Here are the most recent Executive Committee meeting minutes. Minutes are uploaded after they are approved by the Executive Committee:

Report of the Executive Committee

At each summer general meeting the Executive Committee produces a written report of the work undertaken over the past 12 months. The report is discussed and approved by the delegates at the general meeting.

Here are the most recent Executive Committee reports:

Constitution and Bylaws

The Constitution and Bylaws govern the operations of the Federation. They are democratically created and amended from time to time by delegates at the Federation’s general meetings.

Here is an up-to-date edition of the Constitution and Bylaws (PDF download).