The whole world is watching the most recent events of police brutality, with George Floyd as one of the most recent victims, being murdered by Minnesota Police Officers. As protests have broken out across the United States we have all been a witness to police violence against protestors. The whole world has watched police officers drive SUVs through crowds, enforce curfews to attempt citizens from participating in protests, and firing rubber bullets and tear gas at protestors and journalists.

We are saddened and outraged that the Black community still has to fight for their lives in a system that is supposed to protect them but is failing to do so. We stand with the Black community and support them. Their voices need to be heard and action needs to be taken. There is no room in our society for white supremacy and anti-Black racism. Students in British Columbia stand in solidarity with the Black community in our province, country, and around the world.

We cannot pretend Canada is immune to such systemic racism. Canada has a long history of police brutality and violence, especially towards the Black community and Indigenous peoples. We all need to be active in dismantling systems that were built on oppression, and building systems that support all.

We encourage everyone to listen to what the Black community has to say, do some learning on how to be actively anti-racist, sign petitions, and donate (if you can) to different groups. It is our collective responsibility to not be silent, to speak up against injustice, and to take action.



Visit this Black Lives Matters action tool here to sign a petition, donate, and access resources.

Donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which is helping post bail for those stuck in the criminal system.

Donate to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.

Donate to the Black Liberation Collective, which focuses on transforming post-secondary institutions to be safe and accessible for Black students.

And as always, reach out to organisers and activists in your local communities to see how you can support them.

#SayHisName # SayHerName #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #JusticeForRegisKorchinski-Paquet #NoJusticeNoPeace


Photo used: “Chicago rallies and marches in solidarity with the Baltimore Uprising” by BobboSphere is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

BC Federation of Students


The BC Federation of Students represents over 170,000 students from 14 institutions across BC. Together these students advocate for affordable + accessible post-secondary education.